Men's League 2024
9 hole, team vs. team league
League days are Wednesdays from May 8th to October 2nd Tournament Oct 5th
These league tee-times are reserved for players on Wednesdays
9:30 A.M
12:00 P.M
4:45 P.M
You do not have to play with your team, as long as you play with at least one other league member who is also completing their league round. Submit your score after your round.
Teams play against each other for points each week.
The four best scores on each team are totaled together for your team's score that week.
The winning team is given 10 points; if there is a tie, each team gets 5 points.
Teams also receive participation points, one point for each team member that played that week.
Check the live scoring displayed on screens in the clubhouse or online to stay up to date on your team's status.
Monthly "Team Nights” feature an after-work shotgun start and a BBQ dinner.
On "Team Nights" only rounds completed in the shotgun are eligible league rounds.
Weekly 9 hole Green Fee
Weekly League Fee
$50 registration fee for the year
$3 to compete in weekly skins
Players who have entered a minimum of 10 league rounds will have prizes, dinner, and green fees at the closing tournament paid for by the weekly league fee.